Prayer Bulletin 02

The Lambeth train has left the station - but the destination board is still a bit illegible.  As Archbishop Rowan has said, our prayers are vital to guide the Communion in wise directions as an outcome of this time of meeting, debate and reflection.

Thanks for some welcome feedback from recipients of the Praylambeth Bulletin 01 around the world. These responses illustrate how much intercessors outside the campus (whether based in Birmingham or Bombay) can be helped by glimpses of the insights of ‘episcopal bloggers’ or informed journalists.

Accordingly, we include a selection of links to Internet pages which may be of relevant interest to the Pray Lambeth diaspora.

The standard disclaimer applies - the views expressed in these links are not the responsibility of SOMA or Crosswinds Trust.  So, if your favourite truth or heresy is absent or out of tune, please don't shoot the pianist.

Prayer themes for the day:

  1. There is a sense of need to pray for ongoing daily protection for the bishops.  Many of them face real peril at home in their local dioceses - but the UK is not immune from terrorism. The Conference centre has a 10-foot fence (mainly to keep journalists out!) but we need to add an angelic circle of guards, for each delegate. Equally, the families of the bishops at home could readily become vulnerable while leaders are away. Pray for their shalom and security.
  2. Phil 2: 1-4  "in humility, consider others better than yourselves". Perhaps in the nature of the case, most bishops (whether men or women) tend to have strong  personalities. As previous Lambeths have shown, the mixture can be combustible!  Pray that these leaders will have grace to listen and learn from each other in the spirit of this scripture, and verses 5-11 also.
  3. Settling in prayer.  The 650 bishops are (after long travel) now adapting to strange beds, the English weather and Kentish germs, different food and time zones. Pray that they will soon feel at home and rested.

Thanks for your prayers - and please provide feedback.  Prayers, prophecies encouragements or complaints!

John Simons (on behalf of the team)

Canterbury Come Back

A variety of web-logs (blogs) are emerging from the Lambeth scene. This one (dated July 17th)  is from Nick Baines, the Bishop of Croydon in Surrey.  It gives the flavour of the opening day at Canterbury.  And pays tribute to the generous spirit of Rowan Williams, in the face of both friendship and hostility.

Pray: that those who publish accounts of their experiences and 'take' on Lambeth, will do so with discernment and a generous spirit.


An adapted prayer from 'Common Worship'

O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, who is the author and lover of peace, look mercifully upon your Church. Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we face by our unhappy divisions; forgive us for the dishonouring of your Name before a watching world; take away all hatred and strife; give wisdom and a spirit of graciousness to those who lead at this time; that, as there is but one Body and one Spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be united in one holy bond of truth, peace and concord; and with one mind and voice glorify Your Name through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Further Thoughts on GAFCON and related matters by the Bishop of Durham Dr Tom Wright

The current Bishop of Durham, fourth most senior cleric in the Church of England (after Canterbury, York and London), is also its leading evangelical theologian. Time magazine recently described him as "one of the most formidable figures in the world of Christian thought".

A commanding figure of Scriptural faith, his recent book takes on liberalism full on.  "The nihilism to which secularism has given birth leaves many with no reason for living."  The link takes you to his thoughtful evaluation of GAFCON, in which he finds much to commend, but also much to stay distant from.

Pray: with thanksgiving for the energy and vision of GAFCON, but pray for discernment about its more questionable proposals.


Final Statement from 'GAFCON' (Global Anglican Future) at Jerusalem 2008

What is GAFCON? The ‘Global Anglican Future Conference’ was held at the end of June 2008 in Jerusalem and attended by over a thousand people from around the world – bishops, clergy and laity.

Who leads it?  The chief leaders of GAFCON are Peter Jensen (Archbishop of Sydney), Peter Akinola (Archbishop of Nigeria), Greg Venables (Presiding Bishop of the Southern Cone) and Henry Orombi (Archbishop of Uganda). It receives a good deal of support from conservative Evangelical groups and conservative Anglo Catholic groups.

How has the Archbishop of Canterbury responded? He issued a response on 30 June accepting the ‘tenets of orthodoxy’ in the ‘Jerusalem Declaration’ but questioning the authority of a self selected group of Primates taking on the decisive role of declaring who is truly Anglican and planning further interventions across provinces. He also criticised the accusations of a colonial mentality.

What happened at GAFCON? Many have said that the teaching and worship refreshed them.  There were some personal and, we believe, unfair remarks about the Archbishop of Canterbury.  A strategy statement, including the ‘Jerusalem Declaration’, was issued calling on people to join a new fellowship of confessing Anglicans, under the authority of a separate ‘Primates’ Council’, and under the name of GAFCON. In the Anglican Communion, but separate.

Pray: that rival versions of 'Gospel orthodoxy' do not emerge


Hilary Steynor - pictures from building

A circular window is being built into a wall. It comes preformed and strong, but to fit well into the wall (the Kingdom?) the master bricklayer has to cut and chisel the bricks to fit around the edges - each one needs chiselling more than once to fit aright.

Is the Lord chiselling at the Bishops hearts, the peripheral issues, or maybe those feeling on the edges? they have to be worked by the Lord for the strong circle to fit and bring glory to the Kingdom.

The other picture is of an apartment where instead of walls there are partitions between the rooms. They do not reach all the way to the ceiling, in order to allow more light through into the whole apartment. If we build up the partitions completely, we will not let God's light through, from and to each other in the Communion.

Pray: That God the master bricklayer will shape each one. That the peripheral issues will be taken care of by the Lord. That, while recognising there will always be differences, there will be agreement that if we partition ourselves away from each other, God's light and love is limited in how it can work.


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Our 'significant role'...

'I am very pleased SOMA, along with Crosswinds, have organised this prayer initiative during the Lambeth Conference.

The Archbishop of Canterbury The Most Revd Rowan Williams

It is an important time for us in the Anglican Communion and this group of people who commit to pray for us during our meetings will play a significant role behind the scenes.

My thanks to all who have helped set up'

Prayer Pointers

Every ten years, Anglican bishops from around the world meet to share, pray and have fellowship, at the invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury. 

SOMA UK and Crosswinds Prayer Trust are co-ordinating briefings to inform and equip like-minded people who wish to cover this 2008 event with prayer. 

If you would like to participate, please add this page to your favourites and consider signing up for the email briefings.

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