Prayer Bulletin 03

The Lambeth train continues to move fairly quietly amid the peaceful Kentish countryside. The journey is likely to remain peaceful until next Monday, July 21st, when the Retreat gives way to the Debates.

Observers sense that the passengers will become more vocal, and display less bonhomie, once the whistle is blown for wider discussion.

The English weather in Canterbury may have been far better than that experienced by those contesting the Open Golf at Birkdale, but the forecast is unsettled with the possibility of some rogue theological storms. Structural damage may occur.

Please pray ahead for next week's programme, that there will be more light than heat. The debate themes look relevant and innocuous, but who can guess what may ignite?

Monday, July 21st: Celebrating common ground: the bishop and Anglican identity.

Tuesday, July 21st: Proclaiming the good news: the bishop and evangelism

Wednesday, July 23rd: Transforming society: The bishop and social justice


Friday, July 25th: Discerning our shared calling: the bishop, other churches and God's mission

Saturday, July 26th: Safeguarding creation: the bishop and the environment

Thanks again for your prayers and feedback.

John Simons (on behalf of the team)

GAFCON Primates respond to Rowan Williams

Bulletin 02 gave a brief overview of the outcome of the GAFCON conference in Jerusalem, and the response of our Archbishop (and an evaluation by Bishop Tom Wright). The GAFCON leaders have now issued a thoughtful response to the Archbishop, clarifying their views and hopes. Their reply covers, in a succinct form, such issues as: faith and false teaching; the uniqueness of Christ; the legitimacy of their stance; and comments on Anglican authority and discipline.

Pray: that a clearer grasp of truth will emerge from this climate of controversy; and that truth will prevail - bringing glory to God and benefit to mankind.


The Spouses Conference

Jane Williams, the Archbishop's wife, is hosting a separate conference for the wives of bishops (or husbands in some cases). For many episcopal wives from remote parts of the world, Lambeth 2008 may be the only time in their lives that they are able to travel overseas.

Reports indicate that the spouses are greatly enjoying, and drawing encouragement from their interaction. They also share in some of the activities of the bishops, such as Bible study groups.

Pray that they will overcome language barriers, have patience with the long queues (at times) and be drawn closer to the bishops in their partnership of shared ministry. Many will have concerns about family and children while they are away - especially those from war zones such as Sudan.

Their conference included reference to a story about an African lad, found carrying a heavy load of bananas along a road. A lorry stopped and offered him a lift. He accepted, but then still continued to bear the weight of the burden on his shoulders until the end of the journey.

Pray: that the bishops wives are finding such mutual support - and that many are laying down burdens through this time of fellowship.



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Our 'significant role'...

'I am very pleased SOMA, along with Crosswinds, have organised this prayer initiative during the Lambeth Conference.

The Archbishop of Canterbury The Most Revd Rowan Williams

It is an important time for us in the Anglican Communion and this group of people who commit to pray for us during our meetings will play a significant role behind the scenes.

My thanks to all who have helped set up'

Prayer Pointers

Every ten years, Anglican bishops from around the world meet to share, pray and have fellowship, at the invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury. 

SOMA UK and Crosswinds Prayer Trust are co-ordinating briefings to inform and equip like-minded people who wish to cover this 2008 event with prayer. 

If you would like to participate, please add this page to your favourites and consider signing up for the email briefings.

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